
Sports Event App

Boost fan engagement at sporting events with a tailored fan app. Launch your app at a fraction of the time and cost with a modern No Code App Builder.


Enhance the fan experience at your events

A Sports Event App is the easiest way for fans to receive information at sporting events.

They can follow real-time statistics, a live video feed, and content on teams, players, venues and more on their phone.



An adaptable mobile app platform to build on

Get your app live in weeks rather than months thanks to our no code app builder.

Use our tool to manage and update your app. Updating the apps with Choicely is easy, fast and free.

Choicely's platform and the apps are developed and maintained constantly, which makes them great long-term investments.




Engage fans during and between events

Engage your fans with interactive features like ratings or votes.

Listen to your fanbase with surveys and polls.

Centralize all content to the app: from news to player bios and statistics.

Automate the content feeds from your website and social media to your app.


Grow your revenue

Monetize your fanbase with ticket and merchandise sales.

Grow the value of sponsorships and sell ad space through your app.

Explore other monetization opportunities like in-app purchases, paid votes, and subscriptions.


Learn more about No Code Sports Apps

Learn how to grow your digital fan engagement and revenue with No Code apps.

Download our eBook!


Build your Sports Event app with Choicely

Try Choicely for free, and create your app using one of our templates. Pay only when you're all set to publish your app!

Estimate my monthly fee

Note: this is an indicative price that's based on self-service model. Tailored apps are priced based on your needs.

Up To 500 users

499 € / month

Success stories with Sports Event Apps

Learn more about our customers' apps, experiences and results.

International Judo Federation: a blueprint
 for a modern sports app

A highly automated app built around IJF’s existing technologies. This app engages its users around the year but especially during tournaments.


Helsinki Cup: 97% of tournament visitors using the app

Helsinki Cup is the largest junior football tournament in the Nordics. Their journey with Choicely's apps has been a true success story.


Get started

Get a high-quality app built to match your needs. Make changes on the fly with our app builder.

Fill in your contact details and needs, and let’s get started!