
Football Team App: Engage with Your Fans

Engage fans with a football team app. Build and maintain native mobile apps in an agile way: go live in weeks, edit in seconds.


Engage your fans with an adaptable Football Team App

Build a high quality Football Team App to engage your fans, using our No Code App Builder.

Our platform provides you with versatile fan engagement, content and monetization tools.

Adjust and update your app easily without extra costs or delays.


Keep your app to date with an agile No Code platform

Making a fan engagement app is faster than you think. Thanks to our no code app builder, you can get an app live in weeks. Use our tool to tune your app, and give your fans fresh content at all times!




Advanced fan engagement tools

Engage your fans during and between matches.

  • Interact with fans using votes and ratings
  • Listen to your fanbase with surveys and polls
  • Centralize content to the app: from news to player bios and statistics
  • Automate the content feeds from your website and social media to your app

Grow your revenue

Choicely provides multiple ways to monetize your fanbase within your app!

  • Integrate your ticket store and merchandise sales
  • Grow sponsorship and advertising partnerships
  • Offer premium subscriptions and in-app purchases

Learn more about No Code Sports Apps

Learn how to grow your digital fan engagement and revenue with No Code apps.

Download our eBook!


Build an app for your Football team today!

Try Choicely for free. Pick one of the templates like the "Sports Club App". Pay only when you're all set to publish your app!

Estimate my monthly fee

Note: this is an indicative price that's based on self-service model. Tailored apps are priced based on your needs.

Up To 500 users

499 € / month

Get started

Get a high-quality app built to match your needs. Make changes on the fly with our app builder.

Fill in your contact details and needs, and let’s get started!