1. Tutorials
  2. Set up and publish your app

Publishing your Android app on Google Play Store

Here's a step-by-step guide for setting up your Google developer account so you can publish your app on the Google Play Store.

After you’ve created the account, contact Choicely’s team to handle the app publishing for you.

To be able to publish an app, you need to create a Google developer account and pay a one-time 25 US dollar registration fee. Here are instructions by Google.

Here’s a summary of the steps required:

  1. Sign up for a Developer account by using a Google account
  2. Accept the distribution agreement, pay the fee and activate your account
  3. Contact Choicely team to handle the publishing for you


1. Sign up for a Developer account by using a Google account
  • Sign up for a Developer account by using your Google account. If you don’t have a Google account, create one first.
  • Go to https://play.google.com/apps/publish/signup/

2. Follow the instructions by Google
  • Select the Google Play Developer distribution agreement checkbox to acknowledge your agreement, and click continue to payment to pay the one-time $25 fee.
  • Enter your payment information, and click accept and continue.
  • Complete your account details
  • You will receive an email from Google notifying you when your account is ready to be activated. Activate your account.


3. Contact Choicely team to handle the publishing for you


You're done!

You have just created a Google Play Store developer account for publishing your app, and contacted Choicely. When the app is submitted for review, it takes a week on average to get your app live – sometimes more, sometimes less! So your app should be live soon!

Also check out the article on publishing the iOS version of your app here.


Choicely platform will soon provide self-service tools also for app publishing.